All The YouTube Films

All The YouTube Films

Here is all the content from our YouTube channel. With weekly uploads every Friday it currently stands at nearly 200 feature long films which add up to many hours of entertaining guitar based content and it is all here right now and can be watched anywhere you fancy whenever you like.... and of course it is all completely ADVERTISING FREE!!

All The YouTube Films
  • Eastman Juliet /v Bigsby - Electric Guitar Review

    Let's start the new year as we mean to go on... with a new guitar! πŸ˜πŸ‘ much excitement as we look at the new 'original' model from Eastman - the Juliet, which comes with our favourite hand-rubbed finish and all the right stuff. Grab a drink and some nibbles and join us! 🎸

    Search for a Juliet in y...

  • Gibson Flying V - Secret Guitar Shop Find!

    We're a little bit over excited again this week as our 'secret' local guitar shop produced another gem of a guitar that we managed to swap for a couple of ex-demo guitars, some magic beans, and a fistful of dollars. Now if we can just get comfortable we will show you how it sounds...

    0:00 play...

  • Epiphone Firebird Vintage Sunburst - Authentic and Affordable Gibson Classic!

    Another authentic Inspired by Gibson classic is added to the collection this week without breaking the bank. We love how today's Epiphone's play and feel and are a little over excited about our new Firebird... come join us for a close up look guitar nerds and see if we have found our mojo!

    See w...

  • Hofner Verythin - Affordable Vintage Re-Issue - Guitar Review

    The decision to buy this Hofner Verythin involved no conscious thought at all and while we already knew it was cool, discovering that Joe Strummer played one made the playing demos even more enjoyable. Join us for an depth review and a few decent grooves!! πŸ˜ŽπŸŽΈπŸ‘Œ

    Here are a selection of new and use...

  • Should You Buy An Expensive Guitar?

    This week we look at our ridiculously expensive Gibson Les Paul R4 and wonder what possessed us to buy it. Should we now sell it and buy a whole bunch of more affordable guitars? or it is really so good that we can't bear to let it go. Join us for more therapy for Guitar addicts!! 😎🎸

    Follow my R...

  • Why Is Selling Guitars So Hard? - Some Tough Choices To Make for 2023!

    The new year has begun and it's time to make tough choices, I must sell some guitars to make room for new stock and keep the circle of guitars turning. Today, 7 guitars are being listed for sale including 2 beloved Gibsons... join me as we say goodbye to some old friends!

    Listings for the guitar...

  • Tokai Breezysound ATE52 - Affordable Telecaster Review - Better Than Fender?

    Completing the line-up for our first 'affordable' T-Style comparison is this weeks review guitar from Tokai. Renowned for making 'better than original' copies we check out this Chinese version and find out if Japanese quality control is all it's cracked up to be. Warning: there will be waffle!! ...

  • Squier FSR Classic Vibe 60's Custom Telecaster - Ltd Edition Temptation!

    The temptation of a colourful telecaster proved too much and resulted in the late night purchase of this sexy double-bound ltd edition olive green squier. £399 seems to buy you a whole lot of guitar this days... join us for an in depth look and listen to what you can get! 🎸

    check out our Reverb...

  • Twelve Affordable Guitars for Christmas - A Year Of Guitars (Part 2).

    Part Two of our 'round-up' series looking back at all the guitars we have bought, reviewed, and modified in 2022. Today we check out 12 affordable and amazing guitars all under Β£500 that we reviewed and added to our collection during the year. Which one(s) do you fancy??

    12 affordable guitars pl...

  • Fender Joe Strummer Telecaster - Signature Guitar Review

    The mild disappointment of missing out on Gallagher's Epiphone Riviera was soon forgotten when we unexpectedly found ourselves front of the queue for the new Joe Strummer Telecaster from Fender. What's it like?... join us for a deep dive look and find out guitar nerds! πŸ˜ŽπŸŽΈπŸ‘Œ

    Find one for sale on ...

  • Epiphone Riviera E360TD - Guitar Review

    This tanned sunburst beauty had been tempting us on various online guitar porn sites for several months until our popular reviews of the ES-335 and Casino suggested it was high time we hit the buy button. Could this be the 335 we wanted all along?... join us and find out!

    If you don't like any ...

  • G&L ASAT Classic Tribute - Leo Fenders Final Telecaster

    While perving at online Guitar porn for something 'affordable' recently we happened upon this G&L ASAT Classic going for a song. At nearly 50% off retail price this was a no brainer and fits nicely into our forthcoming series of £500 T-Styles. Fancy a closer look guitar nerds? 😎🎸

    check out our R...

  • Guitar Of The Year - A Year of Guitars (Part 3)

    In this hour long final show for 2022 we look back at some odd and some 'star' guitars... some fun and some frustrating upgrade project's, and finally we bring the year to a close with announcing our favourite discovery and guitar of the year. Happy New Year guitar nerds! πŸŽΈπŸŽ‰

    A Year of Guitars: P...

  • Guitar Of The Year - A Year of Guitars (Part 3 - MP4 version)

    NOTE: Due to technical problem uploading the full res version this is a MP4 version and may not play well in full 4K on large screens.

    In this hour long final show for 2022 we look back at some odd and some 'star' guitars... some fun and some frustrating upgrade project's, and finally we bring t...

  • I Bought An Eastman... Is It Better Than A Gibson?

    More clickbait style thumbnail tomfoolery this week as we tease you with an unidentified box full of Eastman. So are all the great things that people say about this guitar company true?... join us for an unboxing and deep dive review and let's find out!! 🎸

    Search for a 55DC/V on reverb: https://...

  • A Year Of Guitars - What I Bought, Reviewed, and Modified in 2022 (Part 1).

    As we crash towards the end of the year here's the first part of a 'round-up' series where we look back at all the guitars we have bought, reviewed, and often modified in 2022. Join us for a run down of some of the good, bad and frustrating experiences of a youtube Guitarista!

    Tokai Love Rock U...

  • ES-335 vs: Gretsch G2622 - Guild Starfire - Squire Starcaster - Hofner Verythin

    At long last 'part two' of the series where I present alternatives to the ubiquitous es-335. This time we include original reissues from Gretsch, Hofner, Guild, and Fender... will any of these beauties tempt you away from the everyman choice??

    Search for Hofner Verythin on Reverb: https://reverb...

  • Upgrading A Cheap Guitar with Expensive Pickups

    Flushed with the success of the recent Strat P90 upgrade it's time to try and finish our Bullet Mustang 'project'. So what happens if we fit expensive pickups to a cheap guitar?... there's only one way to find out so grab a cuppa and join us guitar nerds as we get stuck in!

    Check out a bunch of...

  • Squier Classic Vibe 70's Telecaster Deluxe - Electric Guitar Review

    It’s Telecaster time again this week as we finally get our hands on a 70’s Deluxe by way of the Squier Classic Vibe series. This great affordable guitar invokes fond memories of purple popsicle mopeds and 'our first Squier'… join us for a close up look and listen guitar nerds!

    Time stamps:


  • Can The MC5 Fender Stratocaster Kick Out my Prejudices?

    Filming on 4th July provided a perfect excuse to show off the 'Stars & Stripes' Stratocaster but will this one sound all whiny and be difficult to play? I have a long held dislike of Strat's but decide to have another go in public.... join me for a close up look and to find out what happened!


  • Eastman SB59 vs Gibson Les Paul Std - Side By Side Comparison

    It's time for another of our side by side deep dive comparison videos this week as we pitch our new lush SB59 against the stunning beauty of our Gibson original. Can fine craftsmanship sound better than the legacy of the big brash brand?.. well there's only one way to find out! 🎸🎸

    Search for a S...

  • UPS Lost My Gibson Les Paul R8... And Still Want Me To Pay!

    This week I share the sorry tale of what happened when I finally sold my beloved Gibson Les Paul R8 and shipped it off to Israel with UPS. This is your warning... if you sell a guitar beware of the emotional rollercoaster a ride in the brown vans and aeroplanes can provide!!

    Les Paul Sale: https...

  • Vintage V120 Icon - Affordable P90 Junior Review

    ALL TV CHANNEL SUBSCRIBERS... IMPORTANT NOTICE: I always send out email notifications of new content and recently sent out an additional email message....I think maybe up to 50% of you are losing these in your junk/spam folders so it you want to be kept up to date please check. Cheers, Col.


  • Gibson SG Upgrade Special - Can New Pickups & Wiring Fix It?

    We do love an SG but our latest Gibson has failed to impress so far being called 'brittle', a bit 'meh', and 'tight-arse'... but today help is on hand with a new set of top notch Murray 50's wind P90's and some Bare Knuckle CTS Pots. Can we fix it?... grab drink and join us to find out guitar ner...