All The YouTube Films

All The YouTube Films

Here is all the content from our YouTube channel. With weekly uploads every Friday it currently stands at nearly 200 feature long films which add up to many hours of entertaining guitar based content and it is all here right now and can be watched anywhere you fancy whenever you like.... and of course it is all completely ADVERTISING FREE!!

All The YouTube Films
  • Tokai Love Rock with Gibson BurstBuckers & Other Pickups Compared

    This week we try three more sets of pickups including a set of Burstbuckers which we robbed out of the Gibson enabling us to do a back to back comparison. Is it true that different mahogany, headstock logo, and $3000 don't make any difference to the tone?... well let's find out!

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  • Tokai Love Rock Les Paul Standard Upgrade Part 2 - Wiring & Pickup Upgrade

    A film of two parts.... first off we fit a 50's wiring loom before trying out two sets of custom wound PAF's through some hot tubes. It was a bit emotional but ended on a high with some great tones and a few lessons learned on your behalf. Join us to see what happened!

    Here are links to all the...

  • Fender Telecaster Temptation - Four Beauties with a Story To Tell

    Telecasters to the rescue this week after our planned production failed to inspire and plan b became mission impossible. But you can always rely on a Telecaster to get you out of trouble and we are lucky enough to have four that have a story to tell. Join us to hear them guitar nerds!

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  • Epiphone ES-335 vs The Rivals Part 1

    This week we got to spend some quality time playing our fab four semi-acoustics as we start looking at alternatives to the ubiquitous es-335. Each of these models offers quite a unique and individual voice so join us and see which flavour of '335' is the one for you!

    Follow the 'montification' o...

  • Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Lazarus - Guitar Review - 1959 Les Paul

    More guitar based excitement this week as we get our stubby fingers on the new Epiphone Joe Bonamassa 'Lazarus'. So does this AAAA maple flame top set our hearts on fire, or is it as some have suggested going to dampen our usual high spirits?... Let's dive in and find out!

    If you don't like any ...

  • Gibson Les Paul Studio - Electric Guitar Review

    Another Gibson Les Paul joined our guitar based Ponzi scheme this week and what a balls-out rock and roll machine it turned out to be! As you may have guessed we loved it but the review didn't go off without a few gremlins... join us guitar nerds to find out more!

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    0:00 play in & c...

  • Gibson Les Paul Tribute - Guitar Review - Is this an Authentic Les Paul?

    In this weeks episode we review the 'tribute' Les Paul and ask the question is this budget Gibson the real deal? It sounded good, so next week we'll line it up alongside others in our collection and dig deeper in the biggest comparison yet. Don't miss it guitar nerds!

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    0:00 play in ...

  • Yamaha Revstar RSE20 - Guitar Review - Go Faster Stripes & Handbook!

    This week we picked up a Yamaha Revstar RSE20 and dreamed of some Chris Buck inspired riffing. While the custom motorcycle culture vibe guitar lived up to expectations we had a little trouble kick starting our playing. Nice guitar though... join us for a close up look!

    Yamaha Revstar Online:

  • Affordable Vintage Guitars - Episode 2/6 -1965Fender Duo-Sonic II

    Here's the second film in our bonus series created exclusively for In each episode we will look at one of the small collection of ‘affordable’ vintage guitars I've have been lucky enough to find on my many guitar safaris.

    In the event of computer failures, force majeure, i...

  • Epiphone ES-335 - Guitar Review - Are We Inspired?

    We are excited by the arrival of our 'Inspired by Gibson' Epiphone ES-335 but for some reason it doesn't inspire our playing. Join us to find out what the problem is and how we plan to fix it... looks like this could be the start of another upgrade epic guitar nerds!

    If you don't like any of t...

  • Epiphone 1959 vs Lazarus - Ltd Edition Les Paul Standards - Side By Side

    This week we finally take a closer look at these two limited edition Epiphone Les Paul's and try to answer the question a lot of you have been asking... is the one I got better than the other one? Grab a coffee or a beer and join us for a look and listen and let's find out!!

    Links to the individ...

  • Squier Classic Vibe Starcaster - Funky 335 Alternative - Electric Guitar Review

    This week we take a look at the 70's super-cool and funky STARCASTER. Designed to take on the mighty ES-335 this pointy alternative didn't really catch on so was it ahead of its time or just a bit rubbish?... we grabbed a Squier CV version to find out what it's like!

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    0:00 play in ...

  • Looping 101 - Maestro Fuzz-Tone - 1969 Gibson SG Junior

    Following our recent film where we introduced the art of 'arse looping' we received at least one request asking us to show how it's done... so here it is and we also grabbed the chance to mess around with our new Maestro Fuzz-Tone and our old Gibson SG Junior!

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    0:00 play in & coming...

  • Tokai Love Rock Les Paul Goldtop - UALS62GT - Electric Guitar Review

    Loads happening this week... at long last we got a Tokai Love Rock and here's a lengthy review where I appear to suggest that the fretboard is made of sugar!! We also test your patience, and the resistance of our leads and pedalboard setup... can you hear any difference?

    If you don't like any of...

  • Affordable Vintage Guitars - Episode 1/6 -1963 Epiphone Olympic

    Here is the first film in a bonus series created exclusively for subscribers on channel. In each of the 6 episodes we will look at one of the small collection of ‘affordable’ vintage guitars I've have been lucky enough to find on my many guitar safaris!

    In the event of com...

  • Sire L7 Larry Carlton - Tokai Love Rock - Epiphone Les Paul 50's - Side by Side

    Less a full on sound comparison and more a gentle meander around some of the similarities and differences of three affordable Goldtops. They all sound great but which one of these shiny beauties gets your pulse racing?... join us for a closer look and listen!

    Links to the individual reviews of t...

  • Epiphone Olympic Special Joan Jett - Signature Guitar Review - Rock n Roll!

    Another great original reissue from Epiphone this week in the fish-like form of the 1965- 1970 Olympic Special now reinvented as the new Joan Jet signature. So is it still special?… time to put on the leather jacket, crank up the AC30 and find out!!

    WARNING: I am not an expert, but some things ...

  • Vintage V100 Icon Lemon Drop - Peter Green Les Paul Tribute - Guitar Review

    This week we are impressed by the highly affordable Vintage V100 Lemon Drop which punches above it’s weight in the specifications dept… but sadly our attempt at playing a slow blues tribute to Greeny is a bit less impressive!

    Check out Paul Stafford Cook here:

  • Epiphone 1959 Les Paul vs Gibson Custom Shop R8 - Can You Hear the Difference?

    In a blind test, can you hear the difference between Epiphone's 1959 Les Paul and a Gibson Custom Shop R8? As our review series continues we put our new 'greeny-moore-sound-test-bed' to use and throw down the gauntlet... well can you??

    To follow the complete series so far here are the links


  • Epiphone 1959 Les Paul - Is Pickup Upgrade Worth Doing? - Part 2.5 of 3

    Today we talk to boutique pickup Guru Matt Gleeson for the full Monty on guitar setup and pickup upgrades... can we really make our Epi 59 sound like a high end Gibson Les Paul?? Guitar nerds everywhere this one is for you!!

    But if you don't like some the talking or the playing bits in this vide...

  • Epiphone 1959 Les Paul - Gibson Custom Shop Collaboration - Guitar Review

    Part 1 of our review/compare/upgrade series where we try to find out if this Gibson custom shop collaboration has produced the best budget version Les Paul Standard ever. Subscribe to follow the story over coming weeks as we dig a little deeper!

    If you don't like the talking or the playing on ...

  • Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard - Pickup Upgrade and Final Review - Part 3

    In a packed final part of our review series we reveal the answers to last weeks blind test, try out a Faber lightweight tailpiece, and show you our 'hot tip' as we fit the Monty's PAF's before testing commences. More sound comparisons and fun for guitar nerds!!

    To follow the complete series so f...

  • Epiphone 1959 Les Paul vs Gibson Les Paul Standard R8 - Side by Side - Pt 2

    We get pretty full-on 'Nerdsville' this week as the Epiphone '59 meets our Gibson R8 to compare hardware, software, underwear, and sounds. For many this is ultimate in guitar pornography but for others it's ok as there's also some relaxed chat and a fair bit of playing.

    But if you don't like som...

  • Epiphone Coronet Reissue!

    At last we got our hands on a Coronet from the 2020 reissue of some of Epiphone's finest
    original models from the late 1950's... it's a keeper!!

    In case you were wondering this channel is run to provide therapy for our gear addiction, and importantly it gives us an excuse to buy more. We are c...