If you want to buy someone a guitar this Christmas but are not sure where to start, or if you want someone to buy YOU a guitar this Christmas and need help to guide them, this film is for you. Look no further we have found the perfect guide to a cheap guitar that everyone will love! 😁🎸
Search online 'Squier Sonic Mustang' for links to buy in your area.
Check the setup film here: https://theguitaristas.tv
Phat Cat Mustang: https://youtu.be/dji4JO2kr0w
Time stamps:
00:00 intro & coming up
01:12 a perfect guitar for Christmas
03:54 let's open it
06:51 a lot of history to it
08:18 types & colours
10:22 what does it weigh?
10:40 great modding platform
11:32 perfect for beginners
12:42 some specs
13:14 neck profile & measurements
13:30 nut, headstock, tuners, bridge
15:10 pickups & readings
16:09 fingerboard & frets
17:48 let's look at some wonky screws
18:59 under the hood
21:13 it needed some fettling
23:25 this is what it sounds like
25:48 let's play something
27:47 volume & tone controls
29:07 let's play something else
30:27 so what do we think?
34:43 my little collection
35:12 the point of this film
37:11 play out jam
Signal Chain Info:
TC Polytune
Boss DD3 / Boss RC5 Looper
Soul Food / RAT
Amps: Fender Princeton Tweed '65 1 x 12
Mics AKG C414 & SM57
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 into Protools
I AM NOT AN EXPERT. Some things I do know and some things I don't know but think I know and sometimes I say things that are not entirely correct. Once I have said things it's too late to correct them so please check any 'so called facts' with an adult, google, wikipedia, or someone else that knows.
We run this channel to provide therapy for our gear addiction and for an excuse to buy more. Please like and subscribe and keep coming back to watch our films if you would like to support the channel!
#guitaraddict #theguitaristas #guitarist #guitarporn #squier
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