It's time to release some more of our ex-demo guitars into the wild, but is anyone really crazy enough to want a guitar that's been scratched since birth, taken apart, poked around, and even had an extra hole added? Check out the film and reverb listings to find out! 🎸
Listings for the guitars being sold are now live at:
Peach Guitars 'Scratch' Fail Story:
Les Paul Junior Comparison:
SG Special Upgrade:
SG Special Review:
Flying V Headstock Repair:
Flying V Comparison:
Eastman SB56 vs Gibson R4 Comparison:
Time stamps:
00:00 play in & coming up
01:16 what's happening today
04:30 guitar no1.
07:18 this is what it sounds like
08:48 guitar no2.
11:11 this is what it sounds like
12:34 guitar no3.
16:43 this is what it sounds like
18:32 guitar no4.
20:30 this is what it sounds like
22:03 are you tempted?
22:23 cases & candy
24:23 my reverb listings
26:03 will anyone even buy them?
26:48 play out jam
Signal Chain Info:
Amp: Princeton 65 Tweed 1 x 12 With OX
Various Pedals
Mics AKG C414 & SM57
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 into Protools
The above link to our Reverb shop is an affiliate link and it helps the channel if you click through and buy something.
I am not an expert. Some things I do know and some things I don't know but think I know and sometimes I say things that are not entirely correct. Once I have said things it's too late to correct them so please check any 'so called facts' with an adult, google, wikipedia, or someone else that knows.
We run this channel to provide therapy for our gear addiction and for an excuse to buy more. Re-Launched during lockdown 2020/2021 we are experimenting with ideas to see what sticks, so any feedback you give is most welcome. Please like and subscribe if you would like to support the channel!
#gibson #guitar #eastman #guitaraddict #theguitaristas #guitarist #electricguitar