After more than two years of relentless production, posting long-form videos on youtube each and every week, it's time to pause for breath and think about the future. So this week we pilot an idea that may lead to even more content... have a look and let us know what you think! 🎸
Time stamps:
00:00 play in and coming up
01:03 what's this all about
03:36 more content
06:10 'my last video' pilot intro
07:14 turning it down revisited
12:07 the problem with films
13:20 the hardest thing
16:16 you karen!
17:02 play out jam
Signal Chain Info:
TC Polytune
Boss RC5 Looper
Amp: Marshall SV20C 1 x 10
Mics AKG C414 & SM57
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 into Protools
I AM NOT AN EXPERT. Some things I do know and some things I don't know but think I know and sometimes I say things that are not entirely correct. Once I have said things it's too late to correct them so please check any 'so called facts' with an adult, google, wikipedia, or someone else that knows.
We run this channel to provide therapy for our gear addiction and for an excuse to buy more. Please like and subscribe and keep coming back to watch our films if you would like to support the channel!
#marshall #guitar #guitaraddict #theguitaristas #guitarist #guitarporn #studiovintage